Nature Smart Libraries

Texas Children in Nature Network defines a Nature Smart Library through its ability to engage community members in nature

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Library Explorer Adventure Packs

This initiative launched with 48 Library Explorer Adventure Packs (LEAP), backpacks available in Cameron and Hildalgo County libraries for families to explore nearby nature. TCiNN also worked with our library and nature partners to increase the number of nature programs at libraries. This program has been highly successful in the Rio Grande Valley with TCiNN expanding the program to four more libraries and the packs regularly checked out by families throughout the region. In 2024-2025 we are also expanding this project to the Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston areas.

These packs feature various themes – such as birding, reptiles, night skies, beachcombing, and more - all designed with input from local libraries. The packs come filled with nature books and materials needed for outdoor exploration as well as health data about how to stay safe while engaging in activities outdoors. The health materials are provided by our partners Driscoll Health Plan and the Texas Department of State Health Services. The packs also serve as a State Park pass for the state parks in the region served by the backpacks.

Interested in getting LEAP packs at your library? Fill out this form to let us know:

Currently Texas Children in Nature Network is seeking funding to extend this program to more libraries across the state and is not adding any new libraries past the ones we are currently working with (limited exceptions may apply). However, please still fill out our interest form to let us know you are interested and we will be in touch about adding you to our waiting list.

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Story books are added to signage along a path near a library or nature spot to engage children and families in nature spaces and literacy. TCiNN provides Technical Assistance to libraries interested in adding StoryWalks to their grounds.

Check out this great webinar about StoryWalks:


Improvement of Outdoor Space

Texas Children in Nature Network staff can work with local libraries to improve their outdoor space. To learn more contact Sarah