2024 Texas Children in Nature Network Summit Sponsorships

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On December 11-13, more than 300 professionals in the healthcare, education, design and construction, parks and recreation, and conservation fields, along with municipal and community leaders will attend the 2024 Texas Children in Nature Network's (TCiNN) three-day Summit at the Waco Convention Center in Waco, Texas.

Become a Sponsor of the 2024 TCiNN Summit and reach an influential audience of people and organizations committed to connecting children with nature.

Your support makes it possible for us to offer this statewide conference that includes nationally recognized speakers, interactive sessions, professional development field workshops, and our annual recognition awards event for outstanding individuals and organizations.

The Summit will feature the following themed Session Strands:

  • Physical and Mental Health

  • Policy

  • Early Childhood Education

  • Greenspace Conservation and Development

  • Formal and Informal Education

  • Access

  • Nature for All

  • Community Engagement and Partnerships

Keynote speakers:

  • David Vela: David Vela retired from the National Park Service in September 2020 after 30 years with the agency, most recently serving as Deputy Director, Exercising the Authority of the Director. He also served as Chair of the Committee for the Preservation of the White House. David was the first Latino to be nominated by the President of the United States to serve as Director of the National Park Service. David held numerous leadership and executive-level assignments in the National Park Service including serving as a Superintendent, Regional Director, and Associate Director. In addition, he served as Director of the Texas Child Support program under the Attorney General of Texas. In retirement, David serves on several national nonprofit boards and is the founder and president of Vela Heritage Consulting, LLC.
  • Adam Bienenstock: Adam Bienenstock is an internationally acclaimed designer, builder, and researcher of nature-based play spaces and the founder of Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds. Adam has traveled globally to advocate for children’s rights and nature play and to design spectacular natural parks and playgrounds. Adam lives and works at the forefront of the movement to connect children to nature. His bold, charismatic personality sets the tone for the entire company. His comprehensive experience in design, advocacy, education, research, and construction makes Adam one of the most thoroughly seasoned veterans in the nature play industry.

  • Special presentation from Jay Kleberg about his new film project Chasing the Tide. In October 2023, Chrissy and Jay Kleberg were the first to walk every inch of Texas’ seven barrier islands - more than 370 miles in just 21 days. A team of cinematographers and photographers joined them. This film series tells the story of that journey along a vibrant and resilient coast. Join us to watch two episodes of the special and a panel discussion with experts from the film

Become a sponsor of the 2023 TCiNN Summit and Champions Awards Dinner and reach an influential audience of people and organizations committed to connecting children with nature.

Your support will make it possible for us to bring nationally recognized keynote speakers to the Summit, offer interactive sessions and professional development field trips, host networking events for our attendees, and host the awards dinner for individuals and organizations that deserve to be recognized for their contributions to the children in nature movement in Texas.

Our Texas Our Future Logo (Updated 2022).jpg

Presenting Sponsor ($25,000)

  • Prominent logo placement on all printed materials for the Summit and Champions Awards

  • Opportunity for a vendor booth during the Summit

  • Sixteen registrations to the Summit

  • Logo on the TCiNN website

  • Recognition in social media messaging

  • Verbal recognition at the Summit

  • Recognition in press releases and e-blasts

  • Opportunity to speak at the opening of the Summit on December 12

Park Builder ($20,000)

  • Recognized as a sponsor of one of the Evening Events during the Summit

  • Opportunity for a vendor booth during the Summit

  • Sixteen registrations to the Summit

  • Logo on the TCiNN website

  • Recognition in social media messaging

  • Recognition in press releases and e-blasts

  • Verbal recognition at the Summit and Champions Awards Celebration

  • Prominent logo placement on all printed materials for the Summit

Trail Blazer ($10,000)

  • Recognized as a sponsor of one of the following: Keynote Speakers, a Session Strand, or Wednesday Workshops during the Summit

  • Opportunity for a vendor booth during the Summit

  • Ten registrations to the Summit

  • Logo on the TCiNN website

  • Recognition in social media messaging

  • Recognition in press releases and e-blasts

  • Verbal recognition at the Summit

  • Prominent logo placement on all printed materials for the Summit

Star Gazer ($5,000)

  • Logo recognition on printed materials for the Summit

  • Opportunity for a vendor booth during the Summit

  • Eight registrations to the Summit

  • Logo on the TCiNN website

  • Recognition in social media messaging

  • Recognition in press releases and e-blasts

Creek Splasher ($3,500)

  • Name recognition on select promotional and printed materials for the Summit

  • Opportunity for a vendor booth during the Summit

  • Six registrations to the Summit

  • Logo on the TCiNN website

Tree Climber ($2,500)

  • Name recognition on select promotional and printed materials for the Summit

  • Non-profits and government agencies at this level receive an opportunity for a vendor table during the Summit

  • Four registrations to the Summit

  • Logo on the TCiNN website

Seed Planter ($1,500)

  • Name recognition on select promotional and printed materials for the Summit
  • Name on the TCiNN website
  • Two registrations to the Summit
Our Texas Our Future Logo (Updated 2022).jpg

Presenting Sponsor: H-E-B

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Cameron Park Zoo

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Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds

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Green Space Learning

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Shield Ranch


Center for Health & Nature

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